Monday, September 28, 2015

Don't let it replaces you...

Of all times, usually we will get fed up when people around us keeps on using phone when we are having conversation. Sometimes will make us feel as if we aren't important. Just a simple question to ponder, are you guys having million dollars transactions that make you have to reply or answer it urgently? Or maybe, is it a life and death issue? Oh well... Come on people.. Respect is the key...

It goes not only to family, but to everyone.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Alhamdulillah, welcome to the world, Nur Na'im

Syukur Alhamdulillah..

Tahniah to both dee and man...!!

Congratulations to your bundle of joy..!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Alhamdulillah, coming to September end

It has been 7 days since I've deactivated my account.. Alhamdulillah, felt much relief than ever. Someone ever told me before, in order to get connected, you will have to disconnect first. To those who still tries to figure out trying to login to my account, I'm really so sorry for you. Come on, no secrets in it.. Can you please stop doing it? Haiz.. I will be back insyaAllah soon.. Missing it very much indeed. But nevertheless, having disconnected from it, really gives me more time to focus at work and of course to the Almighty. I will still continue to blog, as much as possible, whenever I am available.

And to my love...
Maybe some of my post lately have been very negative, I'm not sure if you are reading this.. But it seems to make you feel guilty till it brings into your dream. Please don't feel bad, I know you've been working hard. Sometimes I just feel that you do not have time for me. Thank you for spending your free time for the past few days together, I really do appreciate it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sometimes, I'm afraid...

This happens alot of time.. But I really wonder why.. Maybe it's a sign from Him.. To remember and back to the right path.. "siratol mustaqim"? Wallahu'alam.. I don't even know the answer.

At this very moment, people will be very excited planning for the day. But me? Yeah.. Just sit back and relax I guess. The more I questioned, the more tensed it will be. Best to keep it mellow, ya... Hopefully it goes well, insyaAllah. Do pray for us.

Anyway.. Just a thought to ponder.. While taking the bus on the way back earlier..
All these while, have you ever wonder what it feels like being unwanted? Sometimes I really wonder why do people take their own lives so easily... Subhanallah.. May Allah protect us.

Out and about during the hazy weekend

Family, friends and food..
Basically that sums up our weekend...

Till then.. adios..

Hopefully the haze gets better soon.. I'm starting to feel the whizzing sound.. hopefully no asthma please. InsyaAllah.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tentang apa?

Baru-baru ini banyak perubahan di sekitar tempat bertugas, kerana bagi mereka kita kurang 'bekerja'. Bagi semua nombor memainkan peranan yang amat besar.. Kuantitas lebih dipertikaikan dari kualitas. Tiada guna berada di atas dalam kualitas kerana tiada yang akan memandang kita. Inilah lumrah dunia.. Kadangkala rasa sahaja ingin mengundur, tapi apakan daya, masih memerlukan sangat. Mungkin suatu hari selepas perkara yang harus diselesaikan tamat.. Hanya mereka sahaja yang dapat dinaikkan, yang lain.. Siapalah kita.. Berserah sahajalah. Ada rezeki, insyaAllah. Dalam keadaan yang tidak berapa menentu, mungkin membuat aku lebih banyak memarahi dan bising terhadap orang lain.. Saat ini hanya mak sahaja yang bisa memahami. Semoga hati ini terus tabah...

Mohon maaf jika terkasar, terpaksa.. Atau ter- yang lain.. Berikut adalah lagu yang menemaniku saat ini...

Tentang rasa - Astrid

Aku tersesat,
Menuju hatimu,
Beri aku jalan yang indah,
Izinkan ku lepas penatku,
‘tuk sejenak lelap di bahumu...

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Politik zaman sekarang

Zaman sekarang..
Siapa yang gagah masuk gelanggang.
Gagah - apa definasi kau orang?
Gagah sekadar tunjuk belang,
bukannya susah, sangat senang.
Masuk jarum sedikit, boleh menang,
menang hal dunia, biarkan dia orang.
Kita lihat dan pandang-pandang,
jangan melatah atau tunjuk berang.

-- H.H., September 2015

Got my sushi craving fixed

Alhamdulillah!  Craving satisfied.. And no I did not eat this alone.. We shared!! 😜

Sushi oh sushi... Why do you cost a boomed..??!