Saturday, February 23, 2019

It was just four weeks ago

It was just four weeks ago. I received a call from Zaki informing me about the mishap. 

It seems easy for others, but I'm not sure why, deep inside me, I'm still thinking about you. I can't bear to look at my mum when she is sad. I can't bear to see my dearest cousins sad too. I really hope that we are able to go through this together, InsyaAllah one day. The minimum I could do is to keep praying for your families and of course supporting them in any way I can - to my dearest cousins, whom I regard like my own sisters and brothers. I regard her as my mother-figure, she's the only one whom will address me as "Za or Ja". I will always keep our memories together. We miss you so much. 😭

Alhamdulillah, they have been doing well so far. Thank you Ilah, for keeping me updated and posted of their well beings. 💚💚

On a side note, this picture taken last week, a balcony view from our apartment in KL, went for a short trip with my beloved family. 

Memories are meant to be kept, if one day I were to leave this world, I hope this blog will stay for people to read it.