Sunday, August 9, 2015

SG50 weekend @ Changi Beach

Just came back from a relaxing break by the beach with my family..

The breeze was calming, thanks to the great weather, alhamdulillah...

And... To Mr. Fiance, I know you'll be reading this..  Please take good care of yourself and do not overworked.. Kan da sick... Please rest more okies..

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Hello August!

It has been a fruitful journey thus far... lots and lots of things discovered and more needs to be learn...
Sometimes I just feel like sitting down and cry, but at another moment I can just laugh... laugh my hearts out. Yes, that's me, yours truthfully. It's difficult for me to hide my feelings.. sorry if I were to hurt anyone in anyway. I am still trying my very best....

Also a long journey awaiting for me today, hopefully it's gonna be a good one... InsyaAllah...

On another note, congrats to one of my elder cousin, abang... may this journey last till Jannah....!!