Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mimpi, mengimbau kenangan


Setelah sekian lama hamba tidak berhujah di sini, hamba banyak berdiam diri, sedikit penat mungkin.. Tiba-tiba terdetik semangat untuk menulis hari ini. Bukan apa, rindu hendak meluahkan kata-kata. 

Pertama sekali, hamba ingin mengucapkan salam takziah kepada keluarga salah seorang penyanyi pujaan hamba iaitu Nassier Wahab, innalillahi wa innalillahi rojiun.. semoga segala amalannya diterima... sedih, sayup..

Kedua, hamba terkesan dengan mimpi semalam. Entah mengapa hamba terkenang keluarga sebelah ibu hamba, mungkin hamba rindu mereka... Mereka yang ada, mahupun yang tidak, hamba mimpi berjumpa, makan bersama, berjalan dan melancong bersama. Semoga kamu semua tenang di alam sana. Terlalu rindu sampai bawa ke mimpi. Dalam mimpi tersebut, hamba ada juga termimpi makan nasi kerabu🤪🤪🤪. Itu pun hamba rindu juga!

Sampai di sini sahaja celoteh hamba untuk kali ini. Semoga semua yang membaca, diberi kemudahan, kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Salam Ukhwah dari hamba.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Ice cream treat

On a regular Monday, after a stress day from work, this is what you will always need, an ice cream treat. Have a good night everyone. 

Last Saturday, I went to a short syarahan by Ustaz Badli Shah, he shared about jealousy. One of my major takeaway was, the only jealousy that we can have are to those whom can read (with proper tajweed and tarannum), understand, teach Al-Qur'an... subhanallah... I have always envy these type of people, especially those Imam whom recite very well and lead me in my prayers.. During my Persis (Persatuan Islam) days, I've always envy Cik Haron's & late Cik Sadiah (may Allah ease her afterlife always) family. Their children's recitation, subhanallah.. amazed me always. I'm fortunate to get an opportunity to learn some reading and tajweed techniques from one of them. Hopefully I will not stop learning and continue to learn something new all the time. Learning is a journey, everyday is an opportunity. Take care all.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Success waiting for you.


And here we are... October is ending tonight. Thanks for all the journey thus far. It has been a while since I've blogged.. finally the blogger app is up and running. Thank you Blogger! 

I would like to talk more about success. As we know success does not comes easy, but hey if people around me trying to achieve one, I'll be gladly to support them. Life is a ladder, we can climb up and down as and when needed. The more higher we are, never forget to look down, where we started. InsyaAllah success will come in time to come. May all of us succeed in whatever we are trying to achieve. May Allah ease our journey, amin....

Monday, September 16, 2019

Dinner at Ikea

Brought this little boy (might not be little now, haha) for a short dinner at Ikea to have our favourite meatball and ice cream. He enjoyed it too much that he finishes all his serving! Alhamdulillah, good for him. He had grown much taller now, going to P1 pretty soon. All the best, Ilhan!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Burnt out

If you're burnt out, it's ok.
Take it slow, InsyaAllah the fire will ignite again. Time for a change. In need of self motivation to keep myself going.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Buangkan sifat iri hati

Kata-kata memanglah mudah, tetapi sanggupkah kita? Subhanallah... semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi kita. Hidup ini bagaikan lautan, pasang surutnya silih berganti. Aku sentiasa berpegang teguh akan kata-kata di mana, jika ingin berjaya, mula dari bawah, kerja keras dan punya impian. InsyaAllah, jika itu rezeki kita, ianya akan menjadi milik kita. Alhamdulillah ianya selalu menjadi semangat dan pendorong hidupku. Kehidupan ini jangan mengharapkan orang lain, jika itu apa yang kita inginkan, usahalah. Kesenangan tidak akan datang bergolek. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit. Tidak kira dalam apa jua, kewangan, ilmu, dan banyak lagi. 

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Down with sinus

The usual sinus and flu is back today.. subhanallah.. may I get full recovery tonight, InsyaAllah. Gonna tune in earlier tonight, hopefully this vicks vaporub help me stop the virus. Good night world!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Alhamdulillah for the rezeki

Alhamdulillah for the rezeki today.. Jazakallah Khair to Anis for sending me this all the way to home. Thank you again.. sedap!! Just in time for lunch today... 😎😎

Next, made this simple sandwich for breakfast earlier, alhamdulillah.. never tasted better hahaa.. toasted bread with cheese and whatever crackers you have.. and magic...

Monday, June 3, 2019

Sharing from Surah Ad-Dhuha

After cleaning up the whole house earlier, while having my sahur, I manage to catch up with live telecast of terawih in Mekkah. The Imaam was reciting Juz Amma, and while reciting one of my favourite's surah, Ad-Dhuha, he was crying. At the same time I was reading the meaning of the surah, masyaAllah.. it touches me too. All these while I have always recite this surah without knowing what the meaning is. I have shared above the meaning in Malay, copied from MuslimPro. 

What I've learnt...We came to this world with nothing, He gave us everything, why wouldn't we share to those who is in need.. such a deep meaning.. may Allah bless our good deed and ease our journey on this world and thereafter, InsyaAllah. 

Last few laps of Ramadhan, afterwhich it's gonna leave us😥😥😥. May Allah accept all our ibadah in this blissful month. Amin..

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Alhamdulillah for the wonderful weather tonight

Syukur alhamdulillah for the wonderful weather tonight. Thank you ya Allah for the rain. Cooling weather to welcome lailatul qadr maybe? Wallahu'alam..

May Allah ease our affairs tonight...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Terlena seketika

Sedetik lalu, aku terlena seketika kerana waktu rehat (jika hari-hari biasa, waktu makan tengahari). Aku musykil.. mengapakah sewaktu kita terlena seketika (nap), mimpi yang datang itu sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal. Ada kalanya, aku mencari apakah kesudahan mimpi itu, mahu sahaja aku sambung dibuaian mimpi. Tetapi tiba-tiba... jam loceng pun berbunyi! Hahaha. Salam zohor kepada semua, semoga dipermudahkan urusan pada malam-malam terakhir ramadhan ini.. InsyaAllah!

Gambar sebagai hiasan kepul-kepul awan yang sangat indah dipetik semasa dalam perjalanan pulang dari Kuala Lumpur beberapa minggu lepas.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Small things that keeps me going for Syawal

Getting ready for Syawal's green packet (duit raya). I'm not sure if I'm the only one who is always excited to buy these packets 😅😅. 

I would usually choose my favourite colour (of course lol), or those designs that catches my eye. Bought these from the Bazaar at Geylang Serai yesterday. 

And thank you Warna 94.2 FM for playing Hari Raya songs for us since Saturday. ✌

Alhamdulillah, thank you for the gift

Alhamdulillah.. felt so grateful receiving this small but yet so meaningful gift for the month of ramadhan.. Another big reminder for me to never forget to read it frequently.. InsyaAllah. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Ramadhan 2019

Di sini, saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa (shaum) kepada semua ummat Islam di dunia, semoga ramadhan kali ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya. Semoga juga dipermudahkan segala amalan di bulan yang mulia ini..

Gambar dipetik semasa di Balerang Batam tahun lepas..

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Coretan semasa bertugas

"Hati yang dahulunya kosong, kini seakan menemui sinaran baharu. Keindahan sang suria di pagi hari seakan membuka lembaran. Adakah ini jawapan dariMu, ya Allah?"

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

If Allah guides you...

A gentle reminder from one of the best app that I have installed, MuslimPro...

"If Allah guides you to remember Him, it's a sign that Allah loves you." - Ali Abi Talib.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Alhamdulillah for the cure

Alhamdulillah, bless to be upon Him. With some traditional method and medicated oil, and of course do'a from my beloved parents, I'm much better today.

Picture above - warm water with sea salt. My mum asked to soak it on the swollen palm & hand, alhamdulillah works well. Tiger balm lotion always work wonders too, it helps on my stiff shoulder and neck. Thank you Allah.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Nikmat hanya sementara

Nikmat yang Allah beri kepada manusia ini hanya sementara. Jika Dia kehendaki untuk mengambilnya walau buat seketika, kita akan rasa terkapai-kapai. Apakan pula jika Dia mengambilnya buat selamanya. Ya Allah, berikanlah aku kesihatan yang baik, pulihkan aku. Begitu juga untuk sahabatku Juwita, serta saudaraku kak Wiyah. Semoga semua dipulihkan dari ujian dan kesakitan masing-masing.. InsyaAllah..

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Old Satay Club

Saw this artwork when we were walking around Jalan Sultan (Arab Street), marvelous job by the painter! The picture above shows an old version of satay club, which is not during my era, but was during my parents'. As a fan of satay, I shall keep this photo as memories. 

My love for satays will always stay, hahaha!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Penawar di penghujung jalan

Kadangkala kita akan terasa hidup ini bosan, seperti tiada penghujung. Ibarat angsa kelabu di atas hanya memerhati teman-teman yang lain merentasi tasik ini.. Adakah kita juga, hanya ingin memerhati atau sebaliknya merentasi bersama? Keputusan di tangan kita, namun Allah yang menentukan, wallahu'alam. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Nilai kehidupan

Jika bicara tentang penilaian.. mungkin kita selalu disalah-ertikan.. Jika orang memandang kita seperti tidak mampu mempunyai kemewahan sebagaimana mereka, semoga Allah memberi petunjuk kepadamu..

P.S. jika seseorang menilai kita seperti kita mengharapkan rezeki itu datang dari mereka (manusia), maaf.. mungkin kamu silap. Hidup kamu mungkin masih jauh lagi, jika kita berada di atas, selalulah melihat ke bawah, bukan apa, takut-takut jika terjatuh, tersungkur teruk nanti.. wallahu'alam..

H.H., 2019

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Rindu musim sejuk

Jika dihitung kenangan, banyak yang pahit manis. Yang pahit cuba dibuang, yang manis selalu dikenang. Sambil melihat semula gambar-gambar lama, terjumpa gambar sewaktu di Eropah tahun lepas. Gambar di bawah dipetik di Tower Bridge di London, UK. Rindu pula, terasa macam ingin sekali terbang ke sana lagi... insyaAllah ya.. kumpul apa yang perlu dahulu.. 😅😅

Saturday, February 23, 2019

It was just four weeks ago

It was just four weeks ago. I received a call from Zaki informing me about the mishap. 

It seems easy for others, but I'm not sure why, deep inside me, I'm still thinking about you. I can't bear to look at my mum when she is sad. I can't bear to see my dearest cousins sad too. I really hope that we are able to go through this together, InsyaAllah one day. The minimum I could do is to keep praying for your families and of course supporting them in any way I can - to my dearest cousins, whom I regard like my own sisters and brothers. I regard her as my mother-figure, she's the only one whom will address me as "Za or Ja". I will always keep our memories together. We miss you so much. 😭

Alhamdulillah, they have been doing well so far. Thank you Ilah, for keeping me updated and posted of their well beings. 💚💚

On a side note, this picture taken last week, a balcony view from our apartment in KL, went for a short trip with my beloved family. 

Memories are meant to be kept, if one day I were to leave this world, I hope this blog will stay for people to read it. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

I just wished it was just a bad dream

Ya Allah, ya rabb..

I just wished that it was just a bad dream. You are just like another mother to me. No wonder there were so many bad dreams I had for the past few days..

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Penilaian tidak tepat

Dalam kehidupan ini, mengapa apa yang kita pamirkan menjadi penilaian untuk kita? Adakah seseorang itu tidak berhak memarahi, seharusnya bersikap membiarkan sahaja? Sepertimana dalam lirik lagu Ayat-Ayat Cinta dari Rossa, "Aku bukan Nabi, yang tidak berdosa."

Aku sangat benci jika ada yang menilai aku sebegitu rupa, maaf. Sememangnya hati ini sangat terluka, lantas dilihat sepertinya aku pula yang bersalah. Dunia, dunia. Pedih bukan permainan kehidupan? Hai...