about me

Salam everyone...

Hafiza is the name given, people call me Fiza in short..  a middle child from a family of three, 2 brothers by my side, still staying with my beloved parents. Born in the year of 1985...

I know that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, I may not look "gorgeous" but I do have sweet smile. :) He says its never easy to find the one, you just have to keep on trying.. hurt once, hurt twice, hurt many times, will just make us stronger in our next phase isn't it? Venturing into a new phase in life, exploring the journey with my loved ones.

A general worker by day, tutor / guider after working hours, also a writer during my free times.. I love to write.. especially Malay poetry, somehow all the ideas mostly come from my own experiences as well as those around me, family and friends..

If you wish to contact me, feel free to add me on Facebook

Till then,
signing off,