Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"menyucikan hati"

went to Dr Asri's (@drmaza) short lecture last saturday at muhammadiyah. it has been quite a sentimental journey there... its been awhile since i went there but nevertheless, it was a fruitful journey...!

the topic is about cleansing your heart (sucikan hati), its a good topic... one of the takeovers are.... he himself is unsure about the cleanliness of his heart... what a humble ustaz. in order to clean your heart it started of from you!!

secondly, he quoted this... cant remember the name of the person who said this..if one were to be able to smell my sins, people will be running away from me... it has a very deep meaning...

thirdly, he mentioned about even if our prophet can't foresee the future unless he's been given a 'wahyu', how can a normal person like us able to see them...??

he also mentioned that the 'god' brand is the world's best brand ever. if one were to open any businesses, if they were to use anything related to 'god' and religious, 'confirm plus chop' the business will boom!!! don't believe me? see around you...

more was shared but till next time then, its very interesting to listen to lectures like this where you learnt a lot just for an hour or two session... well lets live towards the Al-Quran and As-Sunnah!!! hopefully to be able to catch up with him again upon his next trip, insyaAllah if time permits...

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